Spicy Rasam

Not a cooking or food blog! I just share what's cooking in my mind.

I love Game of thrones! I started to watch it after 4 seasons were released. I was shocked, awed, disgusted, and finally, hooked. There is something about this series isn’t it?

parents were

I am not some violence-loving action-film-watching weirdo (I don’t care what you think people! This is how I see me). But I like game of thrones. There is something very liberating when you see so many people die, so many marriages, well, go to hell, and so much of immoral crap, you just feel so lucky to be living in a blissful world.

I mean, no one can kill me. We have governments!! Hurray for democracy. I used to read a lot of romance novels, watch a lot of romcoms and “feel” a lot. I never even knew I needed GoT. The blatantly horrifying scenes just makes you get rid of all the “feelings”. Nowadays when I watch The Notebook, all I can think is, “Hmm… so they got to get old.”

red wedding

I know, season 8 of Game of Thrones has not been sticking to the template (Gory, very gory, atrociously gory deaths). People die though, just not in that gory way (See what I’ve become!).

So, if anyone needs to feel happy and safe and secure. Please watch Game of Thrones. It makes you remind yourself that you live in a wonderful world. There are no undead who climb on top of you (Seriously! They climb… ), there is no Cerci, no tree people, no constant wars. We just have global warming, rising sea level, endangered species, extinct species, and excessive population. Hmmm… Hey!!! Are we the white walkers of Earth? With the amount of destruction and calamity we leave behind every place we touch….. are we? OMG!!!! Are we?

thanos, cercie

What do you think fellow white walkers? Aahmmm… sorry… Humans? Are we the white walkers of Earth?

15 thoughts on “It’s Game of Thrones people!!

  1. I simply love the style you narrate your feelings and emotions. There’s something so close to you kind. Keep writing more and keep blogging more.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. NJ says:

      Anamika.. girl!! you’ve made my day… Thanks a ton for those kind words!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are worth those words Gayu. And I am hooked to GOT too😉. So it was quite natural for me to resonate.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. NJ says:

        awwww…. (hugs..hugs)… Seriously!! I am gonna miss the sadistic series!!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Haha…. seriously yes. Hope they bring out another ghory one soon…

        Liked by 1 person

      4. NJ says:

        Heard there was going to be a spin off… like a prequel. Not very sure though.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Seriously?😲. Wow…so kind of waiting like Bahubali i suppose.😀

        Liked by 1 person

      6. NJ says:

        Yes!!! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Chiru says:

    Wonderful narration…
    I myself was not much interested initially..
    It was only after 4 seasons got released I started watching it and became of fan of it..
    Season 8 I would say not up to the mark…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. NJ says:

      I agree…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Huguette says:

    I love Game of Thrones but I believe it’s similar to life! The noble and honest don’t always win, they often die and the bitches and liars rule
    Littlefinger has made the story with his lies and manipulations, the betrayal level was so high just as life 🙂
    Loved your approach though and how you analyzed it 👍😊 well seems cercei didn’t beat Thanos after all, she was Dany! 😕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. NJ says:

      Thanks dear! Yup! she did not…. Dany just Draracified the “hell” out of all!! I am not even gonna guess now! just one more episode…. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Huguette says:

        Hell an episode 😕 disappointing actually
        We’re all waiting but they screw up already
        This season was bad unfortunately

        Liked by 1 person

      2. NJ says:

        Totally agree!! except Arya killing the Whitewalker… nothing much…

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Huguette says:

        Yes the reviews are awful!

        Liked by 1 person

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